NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
NonClinical Careers for Physicians is the expertise of third_Evolution. We'll discuss the special issues of physician career transition, offer important do's and don'ts, critical tips for success and answer that most important question: What's Out There for physicians.
NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
Don't follow committee think for your nonclinical career transition
April 12, 2021
Robert F. Priddy, President, third_Evolution™ nonclinical careers for physicians
Season 2
Episode 7
“Committees are, by nature, timid. They are based on the premise of safety in numbers, content to survive inconspicuously rather than take risks and move independently ahead.”
Have you perhaps made similarly derisive comments about committees at your hospital or in your practice? If you have, you’re in good company. That particular quote is from Ferdinand Porsche. An early to mid-20th century automobile pioneer
But, as you likely agree, Dr. Porsche’s quote is no less accurate today, and particularly as it applies to today’s job market. Why is this important to you?